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Top 10 Diversity Consultants - 2016

This category recognises the achievements of individuals who are making an impact in diversity through their work as management consultants.

Sarika Bhattacharyya - Speaker on gender issues & Co Founder Altavis & Biz Divas (India)
Battacharyya founded Altavis, a diversity consulting and hiring firm, and started the not-for-profit Biz Divas Foundation. By creating awareness on inclusive practices, conducting research, and building an advocacy platform, Biz Divas has impacted on +2,500 women and published two research papers: ‘Women on Boards’ and ‘Inclusion in India Inc’. Biz Divas also convenes an Inclusive Leadership conference - I INSPIRE, which has been attended by 1000+ corporates, entrepreneurs and NGOs.

Lesley Brook & Jacey Graham - Directors & Founders, Brook Graham (UK)
Graham co-founded the UK FTSE 100 Cross Company Mentoring Programme and is the author of ‘A Woman’s Place is in the Boardroom’ and ‘The Roadmap’, and is a Visiting Fellow at Cranfield. Brook is Trustee Director of the Albert Kennedy Trust. Executive leaders in blue-chip organisations for 20+years, their market-leading ‘Engaging Men’ programme enables companies to build vital gender intelligence. They coach leaders to understand and tackle Unconscious Bias and translate strategic goals into practical actions.

Sylvia Ann Hewlett - Economist and Columbia University professor (US)
An economist with 20 years’ experience in global talent management, Hewlett has focused on the "power of difference" and the challenges faced by women, minorities, LGBT, and other previously excluded groups. She blends hard data and rigorous analysis with concrete solutions and on-the-ground action, founding the non-profit think-tank, Center for Talent Innovation, the Task Force for Talent Innovation, and Hewlett Consulting Partners.

Ian Johnson - CEO, Out Now Consulting (Netherlands)
​As the world's first LGBT research body, Johnson’s consultancy now provides businesses globally with detailed benchmarking audits, comparing individual workplaces with national averages, ensuring data evidence translates into enhanced employee outcomes. Johnson has served as a Board member of Sydney Gay and Lesbian Business Association. Founded in 1992, Out Now pioneered the first dollar-valuation of the business case underpinning LGBT diversity at work, among many other benchmarks. 

Lisa Kepinski, Founder & CEO, Inclusion Institute (Germany) & Tinna C. Nielsen, Founder, Move the Elephant for Inclusiveness (Denmark)
With a background in social psychology and anthropology, Kepinski and Neilson used their vast experiences as internal I&D executive leaders to develop the concept ‘Inclusion Nudges’ because they felt awareness alone is not the answer. Their ‘Inclusion Nudges Guidebook’ shows techniques on I&D challenges in the employee life cycle and organisational culture that can create a more inclusive culture, improved decision making, and business performance.

Fiona Morden - Director, Morden Solutions (UK)
Morden is a coach, consultant, facilitator and public speaker with 25+ years of corporate experience of international/national senior leadership roles within FTSE100 companies. Experiential learning techniques couples with business-aligned methods are transforming how her client organisations see disability, gender and mental health issues in the workplace. Her clients have gained positive reputation, brand recognition and D&I accolades as a consequence of her guidance and insight.

Philip Patston - MD, Diversity New Zealand Ltd (New Zealand)
​Patston has been working on diversity issues in New Zealand for decades, including a period working for the New Zealand Human Rights Commission. He was an award-winning professional comedian for over a decade. His focus is now his consultancy, Diversity New Zealand Ltd, which produces high standard social entrepreneurship services and a regular social media presence promoting progressive approaches to all diversity issues.

Suzanne Price - President and Managing Director of Inclusion and Diversity Consulting, Training and Coaching, Price Global (Japan)
Price founded her consultancy for Asia Pacific companies to progress their business culture, implementing an award-winning disability policy at Goldman Sachs Japan that hires and develops 10 people with disabilities annually. She delivered the first leadership programme for women in Asia for Coca-Cola; the first maternity coaching programme for UBS Securities; and at AXA Life Japan increased woman managers, persons with disabilities, and the number of men taking paternity leave.

V-Shesh Learning Services Private Limited (India)
​V-Shesh's training services have led to over 1000 persons with disabilities finding jobs with some of the best employers in India in sectors like IT, BFSI, Hospitality, Retail and Aviation. v-shesh actively works with employers to create inclusive workplaces through accessibility assessments, sensitisation sessions, job coach services etc. v-shesh has also worked on financial inclusion of persons with disabilities from low income communities. They are now exploring ways to provide education and training through electronic platforms.

Jamie Washington - President of Washington Consulting Group and Co-Founder at Social Justice Training Institute (USA)
Rev Dr Jamie Washington is president and co-founder of WCG: a multicultural organisational development firm in Baltimore concerned with social cohesion and justice for all. Washington was an Asst. Professor of Women’s Studies at UMBC and is now a senior consultant with The Equity Consulting Group of California. Among many leadership positions, Washington worked tirelessly for The Campaign to End Homophobia and the Nation Black Lesbian and Gay Leadership Forum.

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