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Top 10 - LGBT Employee Networks  - 2016

This category recognises the achievements of employee network groups established to work on lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and transgender diversity within organisations

Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals, Transgenders and Allies of Oliver Wyman (GLOW) Employee Resource Group - Oliver Wyman (Global)
GLOW, Oliver Wyman’s LGBT and Allies network, recently launched chapters in Warsaw and the Asia-Pacific region to complement four others world-wide and has developed a close relationship with NYC’s Ali Forney Center: a charity empowering homeless LGBTQ youth. Among a variety of awareness- and community-building events, GLOW teamed with Shell to discuss the importance of straight ally role models and with Deutsche Bank to address challenges for the global careers of LGBTQ employees.

GLBTA Alliance - GE (USA)
Providing domestic partner benefits since 2004, GE was one of the first major corporations to extend full same-sex spousal benefits to all U.S. employees after the Supreme Court’s decision in 2013 and now offers transgender healthcare coverage for all U.S. employees. GE scored 100 on HRC’s Corporate Equality Index for two years in a row and is honoured to receive the 2015 Corporate Equality Award.

GLEE@PwC is a network for gays, lesbians, and everyone else, supporting many charities, including Opening Doors London, Positive East, Action for Children, Adoption Plus, and the National Aids Trust. At London Pride, GLEE marched with LGBT Switchboard and hosted clients at charity fundraisers. Members often deliver workshops to schools on behalf of Diversity Role Models. To engage PwC’s employees who wouldn’t normally come to an LGBTI event, they invite their clients, a successful strategy to get the staff attending.

LGBT Network - Accenture (UK)
Awarded by Stonewall and the Workplace Equality Index, Accenture has a proven record in the recruitment, development and retention of LGBT staff, and sponsoring the BFI Flare LGBT Film festival, Bristol and Newcastle Pride and Diversity Role Models. Their LGBT allies network co-developed the same concept for mental health allies, and among numerous other initiatives, they run a campaign in Comms, Media & High Tech business to educate staff on the symbolism of Pride.

Pride at Work - Thomson Reuters (Global)
Pride at Work has over 1000 employees world-wide, half of whom friends and allies. The network is a strategic partners to many charities, and works to ensure there is a positive culture shift in their industry, consistently pushing for same-sex partner benefits on tax and pensions. With a presence at Pride Bangalore, London, Manila, Zurich and San Juan (Costa Rica), the network is in the top 100 in the Stonewall Workplace Equality index and has received several diversity awards.

Pride Network - BNP Paribas (Global)
The award-winning BNP Paribas PRIDE Network has driven cultural change within the company, equalizing tax for same-sex couples in 2011, championing pension parity and offering transgender-inclusive benefits and support. Awarded Work Life Magazine’s ‘Top Companies for LGBT Equality’ 2011 and ranked number 3 in the Global WorkPlace PRIDE report in 2014, BNP Paribas has also sponsored Belgium Pride and a film by Stonewall shown at all primary schools in the UK.

PRIDE Network - Intuit (Global)
For the ninth consecutive year, Intuit has achieved a 100% rating on the Human Rights Campaign’s Corporate Equality Index. At San Francisco Pride 2015, the Intuit team raised thousands of dollars while fundraising for AIDS causes, senior citizens and the critically ill. Regional efforts in Tuscon raised $3,500 for the Southern Arizona AIDS Foundation last year, secured a WCGB grant and sponsored the Festival for Life, among many other initiatives.

PRIDE, LGBTA Employee Network - Chevron (Global)
With PRIDE members in 25 countries, Chevron offered domestic partner benefits way back in 1998, implemented trans-inclusive healthcare benefits in 2011 and added sexual orientation (1993) and gender identity (2005) to their global EEO and non-discrimination policies. PRIDE authored ‘Transgender @ Chevron’ in 2005: held as an industry best practice for implementing a trans-inclusive workplace and has helped Chevron achieve a 100% rating on the Human Rights Campaigns (HRC) Foundation’s Corporate Equality Index for 10 consecutive years.

PrideBox Network - Dropbox (USA)
Dropbox’s Pridebox network enlisted all the C-level leadership in building out a wide GBLTQ network across Dropbox and its other tech companies. With a visible presence at Prides in Austin Texas, San Francisco and Dublin, the network accomplishments include tech-wide meet-up events, proactive recruiting efforts, and unconscious bias training for the whole company.

Unity - EY’s LGBTA Network (Global)
In 2014, EY combined all LGBTA networks under a single identity, creating a cohesive, interconnected network to drive innovation and strengthen inclusion efforts. EY’s geographic areas include the UK, Japan, Hong Kong, Canada, Australia, Taiwan, Singapore, USA, Germany and beyond. Their vibrant network is driving the mission of LGBTA workplace equality within EY as well as with clients and the wider community, with the largest growth area for Unity across Asia-Pacific and Japan.



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